Monday, March 13, 2023


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Zen engineering?

Autumns is here and life is finally starting to settle down and I no longer wake up feeling frightened.  It is now eight months since my bank account was hacked and  I am managing much better than I did last July.  In the mean while the bank which I considered to be "easy" has changed things and has become difficult.  I use it for small transactions and suddenly it has altered its format and I had a great deal of hassle paying a small account.  When I finally managed to do the transaction I was asked to rate its new format.  I gave it four out of ten because the transaction eventually went through.  One of my daughters said that she awarded them two out of ten. That is one of our 'big' banks so people are going to have to deal with the changes.

Just when I thought that I was getting clear of medical appointments with only a tooth with "no roots" left to deal with, my doctor has suggested two shingles vaccinations and of course, the inevitable annual 'flu vaccination.  "sigh".

My little cats are both going grey; they are 13 years old.  Both are mostly eating soft food but that is more about me being fed up with cleaning up furballs first thing every morning.  They are both on pain medication now and Parsifal has gone all kittenish and bats his pingpong ball around the bath because it always rolls back to the middle  where the plughole is.

A couple of our erstwhile lunch group are trying to re-convene it but I suspect that there will only be three of us attending.  However, the knitting group is getting back to its pre-covid numbers which is really good and we took our masks off last week for the first time for years.  With winter on the horizon I suspect that they will be on again in a couple of months.

I have got back to spinning as I reaslised that I have a large amount of unspun fleece and quite a lot of spun yarn.  At one stage I had ambitions to spin enough fibre to knit a dress.  I don't think that I have the figure for a dress now but will spin it up and maybe knit two sweaters instead.

The Limerick:-

If it's magement men you pursue
Don't hunt every beast in the zoo -
Just look for the signs
That say: "Tigers and Lions."
It isn't how many . . . it's WHO.

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