Saturday, November 28, 2015

I Have Given up in Despair ...

Yesterday I made two more attempts to download Windows 10, eventually sitting with pencil and paper and noting the progress of the download.  It works its way through Copying Files and Installing Features and Drivers but doesn't re-start itself to Configure Settings.

I am going to have to ask Techie to take her away and have his wicked way with her and if I lose Family Tree Maker I am just going to have to wear the loss.

Himself came around yesterday evening and took me out to dinner and I have suggested that he comes here on Thursday since we, at this stage at least, have no COTA clients, have lunch and search out a Secret Santa gift valued at under $10 for him to take to the COTA Christmas Party the week afterwards.  He always takes the easy way and donates a bottle of wine but it is hard to find a decent wine for that price so I consider it to be cheating and a day exploring JB-HiFi and newsagents will be an experience for him.

I have finished spinning the fibre for my first skein of Rincewind/Melange and tomorrow, when it has settled into its twist, I will ply it and see how it looks.

Today I have put aside my desktop computer and am using my Windows 10 tablet, Aminata, in an effort to explore as many of its features as I can before lessons start again next year.  Hopefully by then Hex, the big one, will be up and running with Win 10 because I am finding this keyboard too small.  Although I suppose I will get used to it eventually; I keep hitting the Caps Lock when I type the letter 'a'.  Fortunately I have set the computer up to beep at me whenever this happens.

I will get there eventually ...

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