Friday, March 18, 2016

Endentuous . . .

The word used by the medical officer at the hospital where I worked to describe the toothless.

Poppy, after visiting the Vet today for a dental checkup is endentuous except for her two bottom canine teeth which were firm and unwobbly and have been left in situ so that her tongue doesn't stick out.

She has a condition in which the roots of the teeth are reabsorbed and is prevalent among Oriental breeds.  Poppy seems to have it in spades but at least tooth scaling will be a thing of the past for her.

Parsifal lost one more tooth and is very chirpy about it  -  all bright-eyed and bushy tailed but at least he is leaving Poppy alone in her misery.  Actually she is not too bad, all things considered and very happy to be home again  -  ate her tea, used the litter tray and is re-marking all her face rubs on the door jambs.

The Vet Clinic decided to retain the kitty carriage and keep the cats there in familiar territory and from what they said it worked well and there was much less of a problem with the two of them

Today on I contacted someone who used to be a half-second cousin and whom I think is actually a full second cousin since I suspect strongly that my grandfather and his twin brother were born on the wrong side of the blanket and although legally legitimate they, and their mother were disinherited by their legal father.  Anyway my now-second cousin was happy to hear from me and interested in the state of affairs.  She has sent me her phone number and we will talk.  I actually met her many years ago when my grandmother came to Perth to visit.  She stayed at the Karrakatta Club  -  very posh and decidedly lacking in comfort  -  and was shocked to the core when my cousin visited her wearing jeans!

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