Wednesday, September 12, 2018


I have just begun reading a digital copy of "Fear" by Bob Woodward but so far I am a bit lost; so many of the people mentioned in the early part of the book were long gone before I managed to get interested in American politics.  I imagine that I will catch up eventually.

I became hooked on US politics when I was not well for a while, spent an inordinate amount of time on my computer and discovered Rachel Maddow and a variety of stand-up comedians.  Now I am spending an inordinate amount of time on my computer, have read Fire and Fury and James Comey's book  -  I've forgotten its name; forgettable book.

Now I am hanging out for the Midterms and hope that I will not be disappointed by the results.  Meanwhile I spend a fair amount of time wondering about Americans and their beliefs and thought processes  -  they seem to be so different from ours.

I have, so far, had mixed results after having both wrists injected with cortisone.  I start to think that there has been no result at all until I start to list the things which no longer hurt.  They are little things but nevertheless they are good.  I can now do up my bra without pain, switch on and off my electric toothbrush, squeeze the toothpaste tube, dry between my toes and so the list goes on.  It still hurts to hold a pen and I haven't tried to do the ironing yet but I'll have to brave the beast soon or buy some new clothes.

With the coming of spring I have started walking for an hour over in the parkland on the other side of the railway line and am back to meditating twice per day.  I have discovered a shop which sells quirky peaked caps for $20 each and so far have bought two and am eying off a couple more.  With the skin lesions removed by the effudix cream I do not want to stir things up again and it is a good excuse to go slightly crazy.  Hopefully I will trim myself down a bit or buying news clothes will be a waste of money.

Tomorrow I am off to the Apple Store in the city to try to unsubscribe from "Pigment" which is costing me $5.50 per week and I do not use it.  Every time I try to unsubscribe I get to the last bastion to pierce the inner reaches of my iPad and it demands a finger print and since it refuses to log me in that way it is not going to let me start unsubscribing stuff.  I have tried many times and eventually realised that it is going to be easier to get an expert to do it for me even if it means putting the technician's finger print there.  Hopefully whoever it is will have a registerable print.  I sometimes think that I should take up a life of crime  -  my finger prints are almost unrecognisable.

The Limerick:-

A society climber from Crewe
Inquired, 'What on earth shall I do?
I of course know what's what
But I fear I have not
The faintest idea of who's who.'

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