Thursday, December 10, 2015

Disasters and Resurrections.

I am still spending an inordinate amount of time trying to work out the ins and outs of windows10.  My little Surface Pro 3 tablet seems to be much simpler but that it probably because there is not a lot in it.  That was the reason I used it for my first successful stab at downloading Windows 10.

Anyway, a couple of days ago I decided to put my snail  Villanelle onto my website.  I think that there is still a spare page where I took something off but left the page so that the links would still work, with the intention of putting another poem there at some stage when I actually got around to writing something.  So I searched for the poem where it should have been amongst the poems which I email to my daughters to let them know that I am OK.  D2 had asked for snail poems but they are in short supply on the internet and, since I wanted to write a villanelle I wrote one about snails.  And it was not there  -  anywhere.  I looked through my other four computers in case the poem had synced but no luck on that one. 

And then, yesterday morning there is was  -  exactly where it should have been in the folder I had put it in.  This has been happening with Windows 10  -  it suddenly found Family Tree Maker that way  -  a whole day after I had downloaded the FTM program onto this computer it suddenly synced and not only is my Family Tree there but all my other trees including one I did for Himself showing the family connections of Francesco Laparelli (look him up on google, Bing or whatever).

Having found the snail villanelle I rolled up my sleeves to work out, once again, how to upload to my web page, only to find that my 'hub' had disappeared.  It should have come through with My Documents which is where it was on my last computer but it was nowhere to be found.  Once again I looked in my other computers and then started to go through my flash drives  -  and there is was.

Techie has said that he can talk me through reconnecting the old computer with the new and I really thought that I was going to have to resort to that but so far, so good.

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